Tag Archives: My art

Putting it out there……..eeek!


So, I mentioned a post or two ago that I had been having a play with paint. I send many enjoyable hours wandering around Pinterest and have been admiring a lot of abstract art. I particularly like the work of Erin Ashley and Mark Rothko. So I’ve been trying to play with the styles they use.

This is some of what I’ve been trying out, with a view to maybe selling some via Etsy in the New Year. At the moment I’m painting on a small scale – having to use what I have on hand as I have no income at present and every dollar has to be used wisely. What I did have was several packs of playing cards!. I also had some index/recipe cards, so have been using them as well. I like the idea of smaller pieces of art, as this then makes it affordable for people to own original art.

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I included the photo of Sid partly to show scale – he’a an average sized mog!, and cos it helps perpetuate my crazy cat lady tag!.

I’m really enjoying playing and seeing what happens. I’m still developing my own style, but I do favour the Rothko style seen on the 4 index cards above.

If I do set up an Etsy shop, I will add a link in the sidebar, and maybe shout it from the roof tops!.